Wednesday 1 July 2009

Wednesday 1st July 2009

Today I'm going to deactivate my facebook account hopefully, due to it being to addictive and just wanting to get away from the "public watch forum" which is how i view it. Another reason is because it's the 1st july and i feel a fresh start is in order.
Besides that today i plan to stay indoors and just laze about. May go to the park later but that isn't exactly guarenteed.

If anything else pops up I'll be sure to come back and write it.. until then bellas speak soon!


  1. Nai! Good to see you jumped on this blogging business =]

    Liking your page and posts so far - keep it up, no matter how boring it may seem. Ill stay tuned + do the same with mine. Dont be afraid to comment dudette.

    Peace love + hair grease, fellow neek 8]

  2. aha. Yes I'll keep posted DUDE!
    blogs are rocking!
